The Concession Stand

Friday, August 28, 2015

Freaky Fridays: Crazy Marlon Brando

When most people picture Marlon Brando, they imagine a distinguished, legendary actor who portrayed some of the big screen's greatest roles.

"You can act like a man!"

He was a legend, but he was also a little bit insane. Make that a lot insane. For example, he wanted to portray Superman's father as a piece of luggage or a bagel.

Or maybe he was just hungry at the time...

He also decided to not wear any pants on the set of the bizarre Island of Doctor Moreau because he didn't want to be photographed from the waist down. By exposing himself, he knew the director would be forced to follow his wishes.

Yeah, the collective will of the audience ensured that the camera would stay where it was.

In The Score, he became enraged at director Frank Oz and began calling the former muppeteer 'Miss Piggy' and refused to listen to him. Frank had to tell Robert DeNiro what he wanted Marlon to do and DeNiro would relay the message to Marlon, often while they were in the same room.

"Yeah, batshit insane. At least that's what he thinks."