The Concession Stand

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Race for Oscar- For Deluded Actors!

“The Race for Oscar”

I find it interesting to think about how deluded certain folks in Hollywood might be. (Sort of like I delude myself into thinking that people might be actually reading the things I put on this website.) Anyway, I suppose what I’m wondering is, do the terrible actors and actresses of Hollywood wonder if they’ll get nominated for an Oscar? Did Kathy Ireland spend sleepless nights back in 1988 wondering if her role in Alien From L.A. would be honored with a nomination?

I’m sure that there are probably slimy hangers on who try to give false hope to those actors with no chance of getting a nomination- “Of course, they’ll nominate you for Best Actor, Carrot Top! Chairman of the Board was an awesome movie!” Plus, if you believe the critics who love everything, practically everyone in Hollywood is deserving of an Oscar! It probably isn’t too far fetched for an actor with a zero chance of a nomination to get excited about his chances.

Moving on, what about the stars who won’t give up until they get nominated? Take Jim Carrey, for example. Despite the fact that the entertainment news shows think that everyone loves him and that “..this is his year!” he rightfully gets snubbed every time. While I’m sure that Mr. Carrey is probably a nice gentleman who will make more money this year than millions of people combined, he has overacted in just about every movie he has been in.. That’s right, I’ll say it. How does the former Fire Marshall Bill and Ace Ventura expect the Academy to forget all of that?

Another celebrity who recently held up high hopes for an Oscar was Courtney Love. Yes, repellent, hard living, train wreck Courtney Love. She seemed to think that she was a shoe-in for her “acting” in “The People vs. Larry Flynt” in which she played a skanky, hard living train wreck. Sorry, Ms. Love, but playing out scenes that are not too far removed from your real life won’t get you an Oscar. (Some might argue that it isn’t really acting either.)
But before we get comfortable with the idea that Mr. Carrey or Ms. Love are never going to get real Oscars, (there’s always a possible life achievement one) let us remember, no matter how hard we try to forget, that Cher has won an Oscar for best actress. That’s enough to give Jim Carrey, Courtney Love, Will Smith and even Carrot Top hope that one of these days, when we least expect it, we’ll hear: “And the Best Actress Oscar goes to . . . Courtney Love!”